Friday, May 8, 2009

Rib's for the Kid's

I'm surrounded. When I head south I drive past Smitty's restaurant with its "Kid's Eat Free" sign, and when I head north I drive past Ricky's restaurant with its "Rib's" sign. I'm most offended by Ricky's sign, because just before they got "Rib's" wrong they got "Burgers" right! At that point the person writing the text for the sign (after all, three whole words and the first 2 fairly long ones) must have become tired, fallen asleep on his/her pen, and accidentally made an apostrophe-like smudge between the b and s, which the sign maker in turn misinterpreted. At least that's what I'm hoping. I admit I don't know how the sign making process works, but surely between marketing people, copy writers and sign makers, someone knew this was wrong...
