Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dr. Becky's Pet Peeve

My friend Becky has a grammar pet peeve that I share with her (really? I hear you say with surprise). [I threw the Dr. in the title because a) she is one, and b) I have brainy friends and I'm not afraid to brag about it.] She sent me this picture with the following comment:

At a fancy restaurant in Vancouver.  Boooooo!

I realize that when you gotta go you figure it out pretty quickly, so you can't argue with the functionality of these signs. All the womens and mens in the restaurant know which door to use. I do like the font, but FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, WOMEN AND MEN ARE ALREADY PLURAL, YOU FANCY VANCOUVER RESTAURANT OWNER!  ARRRRRGH!

High five Becky, high five.