Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Favourite Sign Ever

As I may have mentioned before, I was in Australia in 2000 visiting my good friend Tania. During one of our ventures along the east coast, we stopped in a small village for gas (correction: petrol). I was surprised when I went in to pay and the owner asked, "How much was it?" There were no computers inside to tell him how much we owed - we had to go back outside to look at the pump reading. Ah, how refreshing! Already charmed, imagine my giddy joy when Tania discovered My Favourite Sign Ever! Attached to the gas (petrol) station was a pink brick building with this sign:

Aside from the mixing of two languages and the hilarious combination of fast food and art (in French, no less! Verrrry fancy), there's nothing technically wrong with the sign. Tania and I started laughing the instant we saw it, and I'm still laughing after nearly a decade.

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